I’ve just been to my lunchtime Rhythm Tap class. I have to say I didn’t leave work early enough to get there with some breathing space, so I was overheated and a bit out of breath. Ah, how I miss the joy of last week when I was on holiday and able to breeze in, all relaxed with plenty of time to spare…
Didn’t really feel like my brain was totally engaged, and I felt like I was second-guessing myself at times. It didn’t help being woken up in the early hours by a cat paw prodding me in the face!
But anyway…we practised some flaps and co-ordination exercises, and we also learnt an exciting new swung walk, which began with a heel-dig in front and ended with a spring onto the other foot. When I say swung, or swing beat, I mean rather than doing a 4 beat step as an even ‘1-2-3-4’ rhythm. I’ll try and practice this while it’s fresh.
Then we went through our routine, but as I said, I wasn’t being as deliberate with my steps as I would like.
Chatted to K at the end of the class about doing ballet and contemporary dance. Our teacher had some amazing new blue Ruben Sanchez tap shoes. I like!
One thing about going back to Weds night ballet and Thurs lunchtime tap is to think about how I am going to co-ordinate kit bags. Need to ponder this when I get home later.
Hope you’ve had a fun dance week?
Thank you! Her name is Ruby. There are so many amazing tap shoes out there!
Aww, what a pretty cat!
I love watching tap, but if I’m honest, I ever get into it it’ll probably be for the shoes… There are so many beautiful tap shoes!