In all my obsessing over whether or not I should return to ballet, I sat down with my notebook at lunchtime and found there my list of things to practice for tap dance over the Summer! These were:
- Flaps
- Shuffles
- Shuffle-step-heel
- Time step (single, double & triple)
- New time step (can’t remember what this was – doh!)
- Pick-ups (no claw toes please)
- Pickup-hop-step (travelling backwards)
- Suzy-Q (master the left)
- The SHIM SHAM!!!
Although I have been distracted, I have actually been practicing the Shim Sham at every opportunity. This has often been at work either in the ladies toilets or the corridor to the stairs ha-ha!
Now that I’ve reminded myself of this list, I can get on with practicing some of these steps before we resume in September. My goal is to try to master some of these basic steps and then get a little bit quicker…
Did you set yourself any dance goals to achieve this summer? How about for next term?
I had the summer goal of dealing with my injury, which seems to have worked. As for the future, I don’t know! Might want to think about it. Maybe finally do the splits?
Yes, the splits! Always a goal lol
It just takes a significant amout of time to warm up properly and do all the stretches… and you need to hold each stretch for at least a minute… *sigh*